Thursday, October 4, 2007

Soccer games and spoon wars

Sometimes you get exactly what you asked for or, in my case, exactly what you prayed for. I try hard to remember this when things get sticky, as they often do around here.

Too often I reduce my days down into one monster "to do" list and woe to anyone who gets in the way! Carpool lines can suck the joy out of anyone. Ditto for laundry, dust bunnies, and the miscellaneous stuff that my kids seem to leave everywhere.

By the way- if the man driving the white Expedition at our middle school is reading this- STOP cutting in line! You're setting a poor example for your son AND making me late!

So, as I was saying, the day to day drudgery of it all can sometimes be a bit, well, tiring. That's when I know that I've forgotten something important, that God answers prayers. He listened when I asked him to watch over my tiny preemie. To help her grow healthy and strong so she could come home from the NICU to be with us. Yup, and He helped her to grow SO healthy and strong that some 5 months later, she is already exerting her will and making some extraordinay messes in the process. He heard me when I asked him to watch over each of my children.
So the next time I'm having one of those long list days... when we seem to be running from one thing to the next... when there's not enough time to make it to soccer practice, the grocery store, and get our homework done. Hopefully I do remember that I'm running simply because my cup is running over. I'm running simply because He blessed me that much. And yes, I'm running because he answered my prayers. And I'll remember to say Thank you.

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Psalm 23:5

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