Tuesday, October 9, 2007

On Technology

Have I told you lately how much I dig Ebay? Go ahead, think of some random item. Maybe something you saw today in Target or some long lost favorite toy from your childhood. Got it?Okay, now hit Ebay. Nine times out of ten you'll find it! It's like the whole world at your fingertips. I've bought and sold way too many strange things there myself. Here are just a few:
1)fertile duck eggs (for a 4-H incubation project)
2)baby clothes(well- not so random)
3)a concert video from 1988 that DH found buried in the garage(someone paid us a whole $12 for it)

Well, you get the picture...

How about ordering a pizza online? How cool is that? Ditto for mapquest- on a recent vacation we took the trusty notebook pc with us and figured out what we wanted to do AND how to get there! Google and the other search engines just amaze me. Heck, I never really have to visit the bank anymore with direct deposit and online banking. I often don't carry cash either! For that matter, I don't use many stamps now a days. Email and online bill pay cover most all my correspondance needs. Don't even get me started on You Tube. I could even log in to read my Bible and hear a mighty fine sermon from my church. Do I ever need to leave the house?!?

Well yes, I can log onto Web MD or the like, but once in a while we might need to visit a real, old fashioned doc. We headed in last week for littlest's well baby check-up. And what do you know? Their computer system was down. Since they do ENTIRELY computerized charting now (who needs those bulky folders anyway) they were... well... in trouble, to say the least. They had no idea which patients were coming in as they have a handy dandy computerized appointment system. Gee, did mighty mite gain any weight? Well, our poor frazzled doc just didn't have a clue... literally. The nurse didn't even know what developmental questions to ask. Thank goodness mommy was there to fill in some of the blanks!

Now, we have great docs. I'm sure they have all their records "backed up" and "archived" and all that good stuff. But they just weren't very handy. Thank goodness it was just a well baby check up, ya know?

By the way.... Have you googled yourself lately? You may want to try typing in your name or your even your phone number. You may be surprised by what you find!

Thank you God for technology... I think.

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