Thursday, October 11, 2007

Making a statement

I was out and about with littlest the other day and someone noticed her fuzzibunz as I was changing her. She asked me if I was making an "environmental statement". Hhhmmm, well... no. I think I was diapering my child! :-)I politely said that we just liked using them, asked if she had any questions, and left it at that.

If you're lost (or even mildly interested) check out
fuzzibunz here. They can tell you why lots of people choose to use them. As for me, I think they are just too cute, seem oh so comfy, save us a few bucks, and I quite simply have the time this go around.

Oh, and just for the record... If I was going to make a "statement" it wouldn't be on a piece of cloth secured to my baby's bottom. I think I'd at least opt for a t-shirt or even a bumper sticker. Here's a cute slogan I saw recently...

"Life's short, pray hard" Eph. 6:18

Honestly I care much more deeply about the spiritual state of the world my children will someday inherit. Global warming... not so much.

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