Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It doesn't have to be good...

It's extraordinary just how much "stuff'" my kids require on any given week! We had three birthday presents to buy this past weekend, one apple for science class, a foam board for art, a children's book and matching costume for the kindergarten book parade, two baseball hats for cap day, and two dozen cookies to bake for a good behavior party at school. Last night, just as we had FINALLY settled down on the couch, our 5 year old came to us with yet another item request. My hubby sighed as he got up and wandered over to the cabinets in search of a food item to contribute to the school's drive and P. hopped anxiously around the kitchen. It was slim pickings in our pantry as I'm due to head to the store for our big monthly shopping trip at the end of the week. Getting impatient P. tried to help, "It doesn't have to be good Dad. It only has to be in a can. If we bring in the most cans we get an ice cream party!"

Maybe I was just way overtired, but that struck me as so funny. Yup, any old can will do. I'm thinking I'll be hunting for sprinkles and nuts for said ice cream next week.

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