Thursday, November 22, 2007

Cassie's Comments

Happy Turkey Day!!! My mom is cooking the desserts . My dad is cooking the turkey, the veggies, and the stuffin. MMMM.. I can't wait to eat the feast! I also can't wait to say what we're thankful for. I'm thankful for a lot of things, to tell you the truth all of us are. Well, the thing I'm most thankful for is my parents. My parents always care about me. They will always love me. I'm also thankful for teachers. Teachers teach us new skills every day. They even help us with problems. I'm also thankful for friends and brothers and sisters. I only have sisters, but I do have friends that are boys. Anyway friends and siblings always spend time with you. I just can't imagine a world without friends and siblings. I really am thankful for a lot more things, but I am only going to share one more thing. I'm thankful for volunteers. Volunteers help people because they care. Alot of people care, but they get paid for it. Volunteers don't. I hope you think of something your thankful for. HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!!!

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