Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What can one man do for God?

This powerful testimony amazed me. Enjoy!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Ora et labora

We began a study of Latin with the older girls last week. "Ora et labora" means pray and work and is a fitting motto for us these days.

Way back in the 5th century barbarians were ravaging Rome and violence and chaos prevailed. St. Benedict and a small band of monks established a monastery just outside of Rome at Monte Cassino. Monasteries became oases of peace, learning, and prayer during the dark ages. It is these cells of resistance that some people feel preserved the Christian faith itself until the dark ages ended.

I'm certainly no St. Benedict, but I do endeavor daily to make our home a peaceful sanctuary of prayer and learning for our family. We feel it's an important part of preserving and passing along our Christian heritage to the girls.

So with this in mind we're off to begin a new week of work and prayer. May you also have a blessed one!

(good bye)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A classroom door

Our days are beginning to fall into a bit of a rhythm. We're enjoying a renewed sense of family unity, a more flexible schedule, and are having some very productive school days. For the first time in a few years I feel intimately involved with the girls and their studies again.

One of the biggest adjustments has been mental for sure. I was trying to figure out this week why our days seem to run quite smoothly until about 2:30 or so each day. Then it clicked. In all my working years I had only to make it the conclusion of the school day and my students would leave. Well these little pupils don't! Sounds simple- but it hasn't been for me. I need time to transition back to being a mommy. I need a classroom door that shuts. I'm planning to implement a small block of quiet time each afternoon. The only rules being to seperate and participate in a quiet activity for a bit. We'll see if that does the trick.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Finding my strength

It's so nice to know that we don't have to 'go it alone'. Some mornings I'm overwhelmed before my feet even hit the bedroom floor. This verse crossed my path this week and really encouraged me. It comes from the book of John and begins so blessedly simply...

By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgement is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me. John 5:30 (NIV)

I lean so heavily on His strength and judgement. Thankfully His supply is endless.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Finding my stride...

I feel a bit like I'm catching my breath this long weekend. The last few weeks have been wonderful, but hectic. It's definitely taken a few weeks to regain my stride. I've missed my writing time and am hoping to reclaim it. School with the girls is taking up large chunks of my schedule, but I think it's also important to be determined to find time for myself. To that end I've begun an ambitious scripture reading 'challenge' with some online friends and also plan to post more here in the blogosphere. See you again soon!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Reading, writing, and arithmetic

Well things are starting off this year with more changes around here. After months and months of talking with God (well, more like arguing at first) we've decided to have the girls begin homeschooling. It's taken us a while to be ready to make the leap and we still have some fears. In spite of that we know from experience that when we are obedient to the Lord He both blesses and equips us. We trust Him to do just that as we begin on this journey.

Things are starting off smoothly. We've had a productive couple of days, though it will take a while to get into a true rhythm. I'm also certain that there may well be a 'honeymoon' period with this. I've assured the girls that we'll lean on the Lord and take our days (good ones and bad ones) as they come.

I'm sure that I'll have lots more to reflect on in the days and weeks that follow.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Putting down roots

I've been away for a bit I know. Since our return from New England last week I've been blessed to have had some serious time to reflect and reposition as we head into a another new year.

As I look back at the last few years it's easy to see the changes that have happened in our lives, some painful and some so filled with joy. What has been lacking during this time of transition has been a sense of permanency. I've realized lately that we've been rootless for far too long and that has indeed stifled our growth. This is evidenced in many areas of our lives, both physically and spiritually. We have yet to make a permanent home here in Georgia. Although we regularly attend church services, we also have yet to align ourselves with a church family. Although on the surface we've said, "Yes, Lord." we've kept back a piece of ourselves and, more importantly, our hearts.

It's both painful and scary to truly accept that our lives have moved into a new season. We've needed an escape clause, a foot in the past. To truly embrace the Lord's plan for us I know that we need to say goodbye to our former lives and realize that while wonderful, their time has past.

I pray that this year will be marked by growth. I pray that we'll have the courage to follow Him whole heartedly. I pray that we'll trust Him enough to put down roots.