Monday, January 7, 2008

Putting down roots

I've been away for a bit I know. Since our return from New England last week I've been blessed to have had some serious time to reflect and reposition as we head into a another new year.

As I look back at the last few years it's easy to see the changes that have happened in our lives, some painful and some so filled with joy. What has been lacking during this time of transition has been a sense of permanency. I've realized lately that we've been rootless for far too long and that has indeed stifled our growth. This is evidenced in many areas of our lives, both physically and spiritually. We have yet to make a permanent home here in Georgia. Although we regularly attend church services, we also have yet to align ourselves with a church family. Although on the surface we've said, "Yes, Lord." we've kept back a piece of ourselves and, more importantly, our hearts.

It's both painful and scary to truly accept that our lives have moved into a new season. We've needed an escape clause, a foot in the past. To truly embrace the Lord's plan for us I know that we need to say goodbye to our former lives and realize that while wonderful, their time has past.

I pray that this year will be marked by growth. I pray that we'll have the courage to follow Him whole heartedly. I pray that we'll trust Him enough to put down roots.

1 comment:

Heart of Wisdom said...

Praying for your in this New Year.

I’m looking forward to browsing your blog.

Come visit

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