I'm excited to start this weekly meme and excited to meet some fellow homeschool mommy blogggers as well. This week's assignment asks us to share a bit about ourselves. I can talk forever about my family, but I had to think a bit about this one. Isn't the first assignment supposed to be an easy one?
Well, I've been married to my dh for around a dozen years now, though it often does seem like just yesterday that we met. God's ways are perfect and it is so evident in His choice to match us together. We are vastly different in some ways, each with our unique strengths and weakness, but on the big things we see eye to eye. When we first married our relationship with the Lord was honestly a much more casual and compartmentalized one (of the every once in a while on a Sunday variety). As years passed and our family grew, He led us to realize that we were missing the boat... big time. Christ's amazing mercy and unfailing love are so evident in His desire to reclaim His wandering sheep. How wonderful that the all powerful God of this universe truly wants to have a close relationship with each and every one of us!
When we began to truly seek after His will for our lives again, we made some cursory changes. We spent more time in daily prayer, saturated our hearts with His word, sought fellowship with like-minded believers, got involved in serving our church (and attending a bit more often :-) ), etc. These were all positive changes, but pretty easy ones. But when we really began listening to the Lord's whispers we found He was always calling us further, out of our comfort zones, to follow Him to places we'd never dreamed we'd go.
First, a few years ago, He called us to leave our home, family, and friends in New England and to begin life in another place. Then He almost immediately blessed us with our fourth child- one we'd long given up expecting. He also let me know, in no uncertain terms, that I was to make my home my primary ministry, giving up my position in our church's preschool as a teacher.
By early 2007 the Lord began whispering to us about our children's education. Until then they'd attended both public and Christian schools at various times. They were academically successful, quite happy, and generally well liked by both children and adults. On the surface all was well.=Thankfully, when we don't listen to His quiet leadings, the Lord often will take more drastic measures to get make us take notice. He did so in this case with an escalating series of attention grabbers that ultimately led to our decision to begin homeschooling. The decision itself came after an extended time of prayer and really wrestling with God. Oh, we knew at this point what He wanted us to do, but we didn't like the idea, at least not at first. Dh teaches Chemistry in a public high school. I, too, had spent several years in the classrooms of public and private schools. Hey, we were both products of the public school system and we turned out alright?!? Plus, I had all these 'ideas' about homeschooling and homeschooled kids for that matter.
So, why did we take the plunge?
Well first and foremost because God told us to. In that process He convinced us a few things:
1)The importance of training our children's hearts and not just their minds.
2)The fact that few things are truly neutral. Life cannot exist in a vacuum. When we remove something, it is inevitably replaced. We feel that to the extent that Biblical values and teachings have been removed from our schools they have been replaced by secular humanism and atheism. We realized this was both counter productive and potentially dangerous.
3)How much easier it is to live as Christian when you have a truly Biblical worldview.
4)That the responsibility to disciple our children rests firmly on our shoulders.
I'd like to clarify and state that we are not convinced or 'convicted' as many would say that homeschooling is the only, or even the best way, to accomplish this. It is simply the best way for our family to accomplish this at this time.
I absolutely believe that there are families led to send their children to both public and private schools. I also believe that we are blessed to have many wonderful and incredible Christian teachers who reach and teach many young people in these schools. Children who might never know the Lord otherwise. I am proud to count my dh amongst these. I attend an incredible church which provides my children with invaluable fellowship and teachings. Still, the Lord led us to believe that we needed to take a more personal and active role in the education of our girls.
The Lord has greatly rewarded our obedience. I'm often asked by friends and family members how I'm able to 'handle' homeschooling. They imply that I'm either some breed of super mom or just plain crazy. We'd often heard folks say, "When the Lord calls you to do something. He equips you for it." We've seen the evidence of that first hand this year. As with our move a few years back, it's clearly evident when the Lord is working in your midst. He brought together all the pieces necessary for us to begin this new chapter in our lives- the hearts of our children were prepared, the materials available, and the support folks who mentored us appeared in our lives.
This year, our second year of homeschooling, is shaping up to be an exciting one. Our daughters are in 7th, 5th, and 1st grade. We also have a 15mth old precious one who keeps us on our toes. We've begun to lean toward the 'classical' way of doing things around here. You'll find our curricula list on my sidebar as well as additional information about our family. We post photo updates often so feel free to browse and take a peek into our lives.
I appreciate the opportunity to share my heart with you.

Well, I've been married to my dh for around a dozen years now, though it often does seem like just yesterday that we met. God's ways are perfect and it is so evident in His choice to match us together. We are vastly different in some ways, each with our unique strengths and weakness, but on the big things we see eye to eye. When we first married our relationship with the Lord was honestly a much more casual and compartmentalized one (of the every once in a while on a Sunday variety). As years passed and our family grew, He led us to realize that we were missing the boat... big time. Christ's amazing mercy and unfailing love are so evident in His desire to reclaim His wandering sheep. How wonderful that the all powerful God of this universe truly wants to have a close relationship with each and every one of us!
When we began to truly seek after His will for our lives again, we made some cursory changes. We spent more time in daily prayer, saturated our hearts with His word, sought fellowship with like-minded believers, got involved in serving our church (and attending a bit more often :-) ), etc. These were all positive changes, but pretty easy ones. But when we really began listening to the Lord's whispers we found He was always calling us further, out of our comfort zones, to follow Him to places we'd never dreamed we'd go.
First, a few years ago, He called us to leave our home, family, and friends in New England and to begin life in another place. Then He almost immediately blessed us with our fourth child- one we'd long given up expecting. He also let me know, in no uncertain terms, that I was to make my home my primary ministry, giving up my position in our church's preschool as a teacher.
By early 2007 the Lord began whispering to us about our children's education. Until then they'd attended both public and Christian schools at various times. They were academically successful, quite happy, and generally well liked by both children and adults. On the surface all was well.=Thankfully, when we don't listen to His quiet leadings, the Lord often will take more drastic measures to get make us take notice. He did so in this case with an escalating series of attention grabbers that ultimately led to our decision to begin homeschooling. The decision itself came after an extended time of prayer and really wrestling with God. Oh, we knew at this point what He wanted us to do, but we didn't like the idea, at least not at first. Dh teaches Chemistry in a public high school. I, too, had spent several years in the classrooms of public and private schools. Hey, we were both products of the public school system and we turned out alright?!? Plus, I had all these 'ideas' about homeschooling and homeschooled kids for that matter.
So, why did we take the plunge?
Well first and foremost because God told us to. In that process He convinced us a few things:
1)The importance of training our children's hearts and not just their minds.
2)The fact that few things are truly neutral. Life cannot exist in a vacuum. When we remove something, it is inevitably replaced. We feel that to the extent that Biblical values and teachings have been removed from our schools they have been replaced by secular humanism and atheism. We realized this was both counter productive and potentially dangerous.
3)How much easier it is to live as Christian when you have a truly Biblical worldview.
4)That the responsibility to disciple our children rests firmly on our shoulders.
I'd like to clarify and state that we are not convinced or 'convicted' as many would say that homeschooling is the only, or even the best way, to accomplish this. It is simply the best way for our family to accomplish this at this time.
I absolutely believe that there are families led to send their children to both public and private schools. I also believe that we are blessed to have many wonderful and incredible Christian teachers who reach and teach many young people in these schools. Children who might never know the Lord otherwise. I am proud to count my dh amongst these. I attend an incredible church which provides my children with invaluable fellowship and teachings. Still, the Lord led us to believe that we needed to take a more personal and active role in the education of our girls.
The Lord has greatly rewarded our obedience. I'm often asked by friends and family members how I'm able to 'handle' homeschooling. They imply that I'm either some breed of super mom or just plain crazy. We'd often heard folks say, "When the Lord calls you to do something. He equips you for it." We've seen the evidence of that first hand this year. As with our move a few years back, it's clearly evident when the Lord is working in your midst. He brought together all the pieces necessary for us to begin this new chapter in our lives- the hearts of our children were prepared, the materials available, and the support folks who mentored us appeared in our lives.
This year, our second year of homeschooling, is shaping up to be an exciting one. Our daughters are in 7th, 5th, and 1st grade. We also have a 15mth old precious one who keeps us on our toes. We've begun to lean toward the 'classical' way of doing things around here. You'll find our curricula list on my sidebar as well as additional information about our family. We post photo updates often so feel free to browse and take a peek into our lives.
I appreciate the opportunity to share my heart with you.
I don't really comment here much but I read your blog often and I commend you for your second year of homeschooling.
That is so AWESOME!
I did write about you and your blog on mine because I think it is so great. If you want to check out what I wrote, it is at:
I really enjoy your blog.
Great post! I enjoyed getting to know you and look forward to reading more from you :)
My thanks and blessings to those who left comments yesterday. Somehow they were inadventantly rejected when I attempted to publish them. That's never happened before and hopefully won't again. My apologies. I look forward to getting to know many of you better.
We too pulled our children out of the public school system at the Lord’s leading and He has indeed blessed our homeschooling journey.
What fun!
Hi, nice to meet you as well, thanks for sharing your story. It was so nice to see someone else with similar thoughts.
Great to meet you and hear about your testimony!
Have a great year!
Wow! I totally could have written your first two paragraph's. That sounded so much like my DH and I. But you put it into much better words than I ever would have. =)
I loved reading your blog! Congrats on your 2nd year! I'm in my first year and am so nervous about it, but I know the Lord will bless us! Thanks for sharing your blog and I look forward to reading more entries!
I really enjoyed this post. I too worked in a church preschool had children in public school and christian school(one still in there) and now homeschool.
What a great story you have! And I love the music on your site. I don't have a lot of time to listen to music so I haven't heard Amazing Grace by Chris Tomlin. Wow! Thanks for sharing your story.
Here's my link: www.cherry-soup.blogspot.com
Very nicely put. It is a pleasure to blog meet you and your family.
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