Despite my persistant sinus infection it's been a good week around here. Progress reports came out this week and the older two aced theirs. They always look good, but this quarter things are looking great! S. had a 95 or above in each class and C.'s lowest grade was a 96! I'm so very proud of them for all the work they put in at school and hope it speaks of good things to come.
Our school doesn't issue progress reports in Kindergarten, but I'm pretty proud of P. this week too. I need to get around to buying a scanner, but a photo taken of her drawing will have to do. It makes my heart happy when she proudly brings home pictures like these. This is definitely one of my faves. Her Dad and I are holding her hands, all of us wearing big smiles. The sun is shining, the cross is above us, and there's an American flag blowing in the wind off to the side. I wish more of us could see the world that way.
Life looks pretty good from where I sit. Sometimes I'm simply awed by it all.
Father today I thank you for the wonderful gifts of my children. Please continue to watch over them as they grow. Keep molding their hearts and mine. In your name I pray, Amen.
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