Saturday, October 20, 2007

Marathon motherhood

Okay, so I am definitely not a runner! I have realized though that motherhood often resembles running. I'm betting this is why I'm always so tired?!?

I've learned over the years that the race I run daily more closely resembles a marathon than a sprint. It's become much more about endurance and less about reaching the finish line. Be warned, this is kind of a follow-up to Thursday's post, guess I'm feeling particularly reflective this week...

I once thought that when my girls reached a certain age, they'd need me less. Each milestone would bring independence and I'd be phased out, for better or for worse. As with so many things I've found that I had it all wrong. My older girls don't need me any less, it's just that their needs have evolved over time. I remember fondly the days when everything was so clear cut. Yes, you can play with play dough. No, you can't play with the stove!

Now it seems like we're entering murky waters. Should they wear those particular clothes, see that movie, spend time with that certain friend? Nothing seems quite so clear anymore, but the stakes seem somehow higher. At least I don't need to worry about not being needed :-).

Thankfully, I know that I can rely on the Lord to help me to both navigate through this motherhood maze and to give me the energy to keep on running. I know that this is one race that I intend to finish well...

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me...

Acts 20:24(NIV)

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