Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Homeschool Memoirs#4: Something new

I blogged about our general plans in week 2 here. You can also see a pretty comprehensive list of our resources and curricula in my sidebar. In this our second year of homeschooling I'm using several resources which are new to us. Most of these are working out well. I'm very grateful for the seasoned advice that I've received IRL from some local moms as well as the variety of information available on the net at places like homeschoolreviews. Since we're leaning towards the classical way of doing things my virtual friends at the Well Trained Mind forums have been most helpful of all.

I've always found in depth grammar study to be quite frustrating. Last year we trudged our way through Abeka's grade 5 level worktext. It was certainly a comprehensive course, but we all began dreading it. So I spent much of the summer in search of something that would be a better fit for our family and we thankfully found Easy Grammar.

This is the way that I wish I'd been taught! Their method of identifying prepositional phrases first makes it much easier to find the subjects, verbs, and other sentence parts. It's easy on the teacher also with small, concise lessons that are well scripted. While Abeka often seemed to overload us with explanation and exercises, Easy Grammar seems to have just the right amount of practice for us. I love it when I find something so simple that works so well. We strongly considered some other options such as Analytical Grammar and Winston Grammar, but I'm confident that we made the right choice in the end.

I'm looking forward to reading about other's gems. It's fun to explore something new.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Love and boundaries

I've been spending much of my quiet time lately in a devotional study on love. I've also been reading a book called "Boundaries" during this same time. Both have spoken strongly to my heart...

Like many I often feel emptied and drained by loving others sacrificially. We hear often about the sufficiency of God's grace for us sinners, but we fail to remind ourselves that His love is sufficient also (at least I do). When I give and give... and give some more, but expect others to fill me back up I am so often disappointed. They don't give enough or they don't give in the way that I want them to.

I've been reminded lately that God IS love. In fact He is perfect and complete love (1 John4:8-12). For Him it is not a choice or a feeling it is an undeniable part of Him. He can't help loving us. He will never forget us (Isaiah 49:15-16). He loves us so much that He has engraved us into the palms of His hands. He sent His son to die for us while we were still sinners. Nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39).

As sons and daughters of Christ we are also blessed to have His spirit within us. Part of that "package deal" is an unendless supply of His love. We can rely on His love in all places and at all times (1John 4:13, John15:9). One of the fruits of the spirit is love (Gal. 5:22). When we ask the Lord to fill us He is so happy to do so(to Romans 5:5). We can rest and abide in this love (1John 4:16) and when we choose to do so we find ourselves filled to the point of overflow. I've begun to think of my heart like a sponge that God is willing to completely saturate, I can't seem to help but drip my excess onto others.

When I'm filled this way I don't have the same expectations of those around me. I do want to be treated nicely (and I'm entitled to be treated this way) but I realize that they are not responsible for my happiness or spiritual well being and I'm not responsible for theirs either. Because perfect love is without fear (1 John 4:18) and in fact, casts out fear, I find myself navigating relationships more confidently and securely. I will never be without love and I need not operate out of guilt or fear.

When I am truly plugged in to God's outlet of love I'm able to love others around me with a Christlike heart. When I choose to serve or give I am doing so willingly. My 'yes' is yes and my 'no' is no (Matt. 5:37).

Better understanding and receiving God's love for me has been an incredible gift. Allowing myself to set loving boundaries with others has been freeing as well. I am humbled by my Savior's love for me and grateful to Him for showing me how to share that love with others without losing myself in the process.